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The Church is expected to be guided by the inspired Word of God. And the True Church really behaves like that: hard work, no love of money because it is the root of all evil, humility, patience, truth, impartiality, no sexual immorality among others.

We are the Church means we all pursue an intimate personal relationship with Christ Jesus, the Head of the Church. We are the Church means we are humble enough to repent by God’s grace and to have faith by trusting and obeying all of God’s Word. We are the Church means we do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as we await the soon return of the Lord to take us; for here in earth we are pilgrims and strangers to the selfish corrupt practices of unrepentant depraved machinations of men. We are the Church means reproving the works of darkness and consistently speaking up against corrupt leadership in our homes, schools, trade corridors and yes, in the Church.

We are the church also means that Christian intellectuals use their intellect to serve the Body by speaking or writing articles in the media to share their very helpful opinions in the vital crucible of leadership in all aspects of society: politics, economy, financial, Social life and other critical challenges. We are the Church means Christians should actively get involved in deep intercession for the salvation of souls, engaging in massive thorough soul winning through evangelism and extensive local and global evangelism.

We are the Church means we are not to sit on the fence but constantly reproving the works of darkness. There can be no excuse for not using the elite intellect the Lord has graced us with, is it?

Recent wars, protests, demonstrations across the globe now seems to turn attention to another critical aspect of  the society and thus ignited an important flame; The Church.

The application of social media that is so well being used in organizing effective protests should be so used to reach the hearts of men with the transforming love of the risen Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Demonstrators, especially the younger generation have turned full circle at coming to terms with a fundamental cause of the dysfunctional governance or leadership systems threatening the prospects of the well being of our Planet.

With much of the world blessed with Christianity, a call based on individual commitments to godliness nourishing a community of Christian fellowships ordained to be the light and salt of the earth, the church is expected to steer far off the corruption that seems to have engulfed leadership in the world.

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came to deliver the poor from the oppression of people who had fashioned out a religious system that exploited the the poor. Eventually they had Him killed. But He rose from the dead and lives for evermore to continue the redemption of all mankind. Jesus always wins!

The putrefaction of material and moral corruption may be what triggers wars, disorders, protests or demonstrations, however what these demonstrations are pointing out is that it is the root cause of our dysfunctional leadership and governance apparatus. This concern includes the reality that Church leaders have not been loud enough against that which exacerbates the plight of the people in the society. Now it’s time for a change.

We are the Church!

By Emmanuel K. Mensah

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