The Counsel And Purpose of God Shall Stand

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.’ Isaiah 46:9-10

– The Counsel of God concerning me in the heavenlies is established

– The Counsel of God concerning me in the constellations is established

– That which God has purposed concerning my ministry, my children, etc stands

– Every ungodly counsel and purpose concerning me is aborted

– Every counsel that is not of my God is aborted in Jesus Name

– Every ungodly counsel concerning this nation, my home, this generation, my life is overthrown in Jesus Name.

– Every influence in the heavenlies that is contrary to God’s counsel and purpose concerning me is aborted in Jesus Name.

– Everything that is standing in my path, standing in my way is removed in Jesus Name

– Anything that has received a mandate to frustrate me is taken away in Jesus Name

–  I am brought into the purposes and counsel of God for my life in Jesus name

– The room The Lord has prepared for me to come into, I walk in

– The crown, HE has ordained for me to wear; the victories HE has ordained for me to walk in, I take it in Jesus Name

– The table The Lord has Laid for me, I sit at the table by the Counsel of God

– The things that have been held back from me is released to me In Jesus Name

– All of creation moves me into the purpose and counsel of God

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