In the military, the command chain is very clear and the structure is very clear and instructions are given according to command chains. As spiritual soldiers, absolute obedience to the Command of the Lord Jesus is important to be prioritized. Wikipedia defines “Obedience” as a person yielding to explicit instructions or orders from an…
As we enter the second quarter of the year, we continue to pray through the Scriptures for the Theme of the Year – JOYFUL PEOPLE. Join FCC on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm to pray through the Scriptures. Find Below and Download Scriptures for Joy, Joyful, Rejoice and Gladness. Love0 Share
Text: Judges 1:34 The Amorites forced the Tribe of Dan to remain on the mountain top though the land has been allotted to them. Are you being pushed into the corner? Speak unto every spiritual Amorite; every spiritual entity pushing you into a corner, taking your place and want you to cede ground PRAY:…
……………The devil does not stop. After the rapture he did not stop; after the millennium reign of Christ when he was released from the bottomless pit he did not stop. The Bible says when he is released he will go round to deceive more people. He does not have it in him to stop…
Each individual has a purpose from God. (1Cor.12:1-21) The dilemma however is in determining what your God ordained place is so that you can walk in it and please the Lord. Ask The Lord to help you to know HIS specific call on your life and that it will become clear to you. Jer.…
2 Peter 1:10- Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Download Love0 Share
I am not alone 1 have fellowship everyday with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. They share their Strength, Wisdom, Insight and Boldness with me The Lord equips me and sharpens my countenance everyday. The Lord is speaking into my soul and telling me it is well with my soul The Lord…
In Numbers 18:7, God bestowed upon Aaron and his sons the priesthood as a gift, prompting the question: How is labor for the Lord a gift? Let’s explore this concept further through the insightful sermon delivered by Brother Rafik Malik, unraveling the profound truth that evangelism not only serves the greater good but also…
‘Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.’ Isaiah…
We are duty-bound to align ourselves with the divine will of God and find joy in Him consistently. Take a moment to revisit Pastor Martin Vanderpaye’s sermon from November 4, 2018, as he delves into the significance of following God’s will and the reasons behind embracing it. Stream or download the sermon from here…