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To be In Christ means to “rely on HIM”,  “believe in HIM”, “Trust in HIM” and therefore HE becomes the source of everything. If you are a branch, you have no choice but to rely on the tree.  Jesus Christ in John 15 described  what it means to be in HIM or to abide in HIM. HE says that it is only when you become a branch and you learn to receive HIS Word and obey it and do what HE says then you  abide in HIM.

Let us ask ourselves:

Are you in HIM?

Would you say that you draw strength from HIM?

Would you say that you are committed to HIM?

Would you say Jesus could count on you because you are reliable?

Would you say that it is only HIM that is the source of everything you do?

Would you say that you consider HIS interest first before yours?

If yes, then you are faithful in Christ.  Jesus Himself proved that. HE always referred to God as “My God.”; ” My Father”  Do you see God as “Your Father?”

Ephesians, 1:3  Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [places] in Christ:

God has already blessed us with spiritual blessings, not physical, because that which we see came out of that which we did not see. So that what happens today, the Bible says, it happened out of what we did not see. God is ruling on earth from the heaven and HE has blessed us with all spiritual blessings  in the heavenly realms.

God has blessed us in the past, we do not now have to come to God and say, “Bless me” or I” am expecting it”  NO! You are not supposed to be expecting it. You are supposed to reckon that it has already been done and given.

The blessings were given so we do not now have to say, “Bless me” before you will be blessed. This is because the blessings have already been given. God has done all things ahead.

One may ask, “Does it mean that God has already chosen the people that were to be saved? NO! This is because the Father says, “HE wishes and desires that all will be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:3-4).

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”. (John 3:16) God gave HIS one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in HIM will not perish but have eternal life. HE set a precedent for whosoever will

For instance, one may prepare a room, make tables, provide food and everything then invite everybody in New York to come and eat.  All that the people are supposed to do is just believe it and come eat. If his messengers come and tell you that, there is this place in New York where they have set tables and serving food, music and everything “come and eat” all one needs is to believe and go and eat. However, you find out that men and women choose not to believe, obey and not to hearken to the call. Now if you choose not to, then you fall out, but if you choose to, then you are saved, chosen for life everlasting– WHOSOEVER WILL!

That sounds too simple. You mean if only I believe in Jesus Christ, then I am saved?” it looks too simple a story however immediately you fail to heed to the call, you miss out. Yes you yourself, NOT GOD; you have chosen and sentenced your life to an everlasting prison where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. (Mark  9:46).

Today you are being presented with a simple story that God has chosen unto HIMSELF to give a people such a great inheritance to receive of HIM;  That HE becomes their Father, and they become children unto HIM; That everything of HIS, HE gives unto them by only believing that Jesus Christ died some years ago on the cross and if only you believed that and confess it, through HIM you walk into an inheritance with God. Yes, you are acquitted and discharged of the Adversary. Free forever!!!

This is God’s kind intention of HIS Will, which HE purposed in Christ with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times and that is the summing up of all things in Christ. – Things in the heaven and things on the earth all in HIM.

Are you living to yourself to die? or Are you dying to yourself to live?

God Loves You!!


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